The Nominating Committee is accepting applications from Section members interested in serving on the Council for a two-year term.
Insurance Law Webinar – Texas Supreme Court 2021 Insurance Decisions: Shifting the Playing Field
Did you miss the recent Insurance Law Section HOT TOPIC webinar “Texas Supreme Court 2021 Insurance Decisions: Shifting the Playing Field” on August 31, 2021?
Earn up to 1.0 hour MCLE credit from your own home or office!
About the Webinar: Appellate lawyers Melissa Lorber and Sarah Nicolas will discuss Texas Supreme Court cases this year that have materially impacted insurance law and what they mean for the industry, including uninsured motorists, Stowers, appraisal, discovery, and counter-affidavit issues. This presentation is a must-see for Texas insurance law practitioners.
Presenters: Melissa Lorber | Enoch Kever, PLLC | Austin & Sarah Nicolas | Ramon Worthington Nicolas & Cantu, PLLC | Bee Caves