The Nominating Committee is accepting applications from Section members interested in serving on the Council for a two-year term.
Winners Announced for the Inaugural Texas Insurance Law Student Writing Competition
In October 2020, the Council sought submissions from all ten accredited Texas law schools for the First Annual Student Writing Competition. Students were asked to submit articles on an insurance-law related topic of their choosing. In response, in this inaugural year, six submissions from three different schools were received.
The Insurance Law Section is pleased to announce the following 2020-2021 winners:
First Place Winner
Hannah Bush
The University of Texas School of Law
“Insurance Companies’ Liability Under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act”
Second Place Winner
Rishika Nallapareddy
The University of Texas School of Law
“The Future of Riot Insurance in the Wake of 2020”
Third Place Winner
Jared Mezzatesta
The University of Texas School of Law
Untitled article on the insurance implications on data coverage
The Section has forwarded a scholarship award to each of these students through their university to be used for tuition and fees during this spring semester.
This inaugural year has been a great success, and the Section looks forward to working with our statewide law schools next year to receive even more submissions from up-and-coming young lawyers.