The Insurance Law Section is an official, sanctioned section of the State Bar of Texas consisting of approximately 2,300 members. Membership is open to all members of the State Bar of Texas.
Our Mission: Promoting collegiality and educating the bench, bar, and public about Texas insurance law.
Join The Section
The Insurance Law Section is governed by a Council elected from the Section membership at the Section’s annual meeting. Section officers are elected from and by the Council
Did You Miss the Insurance Law Webinar – Appraisals in First-Party Insurance?
Order the recording of the 12/5/23 webinar to hear what the presenters think about appraisals, attorney’s fees and other issues that are frequently disputed in first party claims.
Did you Miss the Insurance Law Webinar – Arbitrating Insurance Cases: A Round-Table Discussion?
Order the recording of the 9/19/23 webinar to get the latest updates on ADR in insurance cases from the perspective of arbitrators, mediators, litigators and in-house supervisors.
Insurance Law Webinar – The State of the Texas Concurrent Causation Doctrine
Order the recording of the 4/11/23 webinar to get the latest update on the Texas Concurrent Causation Doctrine.
A Mediator’s Take on COVID-19: Part II
An update on early COVID-19 coverage rulings. While only a handful of the hundreds of pending cases have been decided, one trend is emerging...
The Protracted Battle over Obamacare: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Healthcare Insurers under the Affordable Care Act
On April 27, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of four health insurance companies, recognizing their right to sue the federal government for unpaid subsidies under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Extra-contractual Claims in the Context of Underinsured Motorist Coverage
The Southern District of Texas, McAllen Division recently issued an opinion in a UIM case that precludes the recovery of extra-contractual damages absent a finding that the insured was entitled to benefits.
Recent Decisions
The Ohio Casualty Insurance Co. v. Patterson-UTI Energy, Inc.
Court: Tx Sup 12/20/2024
Supreme Court Reverses Judgment in Favor of Insured Against Excess Carrier in Suit to Recover Defense Costs Under Follow-Form Policy
Winterfield United Methodist Church v. Church Mutual Insurance Co.
Court: ED Tx 12/17/2024
Magistrate Recommends Denial of Summary Judgment Where Insurer Invokes Concurrent Causation and Bona Fide Dispute Doctrines
In re David Dick
Court: Tx 1-Houston 12/12/2024
Trial Court Abused Discretion in Denying in Part Insured's TRCP 91a Motion to Dismiss
In re Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London
Court: Tx 13- Corpus/Edbrg 12/11/2024
Trial Court Abused Discretion in Striking Insurer's Plea in Intervention
TNT Gaming Center LLC v. American Specialty Insurance & Risk Services, Inc.
Court: SD Tx 12/10/2024
Non-Diverse Adjuster Defendants Improperly Joined in Fire Damage Dispute
Adkisson v. Safeco Insurance Co. of Indiana
Court: ED Tx 12/09/2024
Insurer's Motion for Summary Judgment Granted Under Residence Premises Condition
Benitez v. AmGUARD Insurance Co.
Court: 5th Cir 12/05/2024
Fifth Circuit Holds Surface-Water Exclusion Precludes Coverage and Extracontractual Claims
Texas Windstorm Insurance Assoc. v. Valstay, LLC
Court: Tx 13- Corpus/Edbrg 12/05/2024
Insurer Owes Burden to Prove Claim Was Untimely
Kennedy v. United States Liability Insurance Co.
Court: SD Tx 11/27/2024
Insured vs. Insured Exclusion Bars Coverage Under D&O Policy for Claims an Organization Brought Against Former Executives
Hart v. New Hampshire Insurance Co.
Court: Tx 12-Tyler 11/27/2024
Judgment for Workers Compensation Insurer Reversed