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First NameLast NameCompanyCityAction
First NameLast NameCompanyCityAction
Tara L.SohlmanAllenDetails
CarlosSolisSolis LawSan AntonioDetails
AlfonsoSoliz Jr.Fanaff Hoagland & GonzalesSan AntonioDetails
Lisa A.SongyTollefson Bradley Mitchell & Melendi LLPDallasDetails
Kristine MarieSorensonWalker Wilcox Matousek LLPHoustonDetails
Randall O.SorrelsAbraham Watkins Nichols Sorrels Agosto & AzizHoustonDetails
Richard WayneSouthWright & Greenhill PCAustinDetails
Anthony EdwardSpaethNewton Jones & SpaethHoustonDetails
Robert E.SpanglerRoyston Rayzor Vickery & Williams LLPCorpus ChristiDetails
Jason B.SpeightsSpeights & WorrichSan AntonioDetails
W. RossSpenceSpence, Desenberg & Lee, PLLCHoustonDetails
Melisa A.SpencerSedgwickMcKinneyDetails
Roy A.SpeziaGermer PLLCAustinDetails
Thomas M.SpitalettoWilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLPDallasDetails
Karen LeeSpiveyPate Spivey LLPBEAUMONTDetails
Shannon B.SpizmanPerry Law P.C.DallasDetails
Suzanne ForemanSpradleyNational Financial Partners Corp.AustinDetails
Matthew S.SpradlingAlliantgroupHoustonDetails
StevenSpringerFletcher Farley Shipman & Salinas L.LPDallasDetails
GarrettSprowlsPLUS Inc.AustinDetails
Roy L.StacyStacy & Conder LLPDallasDetails
Paul K.StaffordStafford Law Firm, P.C.DallasDetails
Barney LouisStagner Jr.Stagner Law FirmHoustonDetails
Ashley B.StaintonThompson Coe Cousins & Irons L.L.P.DallasDetails
Lee HowardStaleyWinget Spadafora & Schwartzberg LLPHoustonDetails
Joseph E.StallingPMA CompaniesCelinaDetails
Nathan J.StallworthMartin Disiere Jefferson & Wisdom L.L.P.HoustonDetails
Cynthia MarcotteStamerCynthia Marcotte Stamer PCPlanoDetails
Andrew KohlStamperNaman Howell Smith & Lee PLLCSan AntonioDetails
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