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First NameLast NameCompanyCityAction
First NameLast NameCompanyCityAction
Norma NellieKesslerKinder MorganHoustonDetails
LaDonnaKeyDallas Fort Worth International AirportArlingtonDetails
DaisyKhambattaKennedys Law LLPAustinDetails
David T.KhirallahThompson Coe Cousins & Irons L.L.P.DallasDetails
Thomas NaveKiehnhoffPortner BondBeaumontDetails
Jammy M.KiggunduDouglass & Kiggundu P.L.L.C.HoustonDetails
Christopher StephenKilgoreKilgore | McCown PLLCDallasDetails
Robert JosephKilleen Jr.Killeen & Stern PCHoustonDetails
AbigailKimDaw & Ray LLPHoustonDetails
BrandonKinardKGS LawHoustonDetails
Austin W.KingArgo Group US Inc.San AntonioDetails
Mary EllenKingLower Colorado River Authority (LCRA)AustinDetails
DavidKirbyGiron Kirby LAw Group, PLLCHoustonDetails
ChristineKirchnerChamberlain Hrdlicka White Williams & MartinHoustonDetails
D. BradleyKizziaKizzia Johnson PLLCDallasDetails
James P.KlappsJMW Settlements Inc.WashingtonDetails
Elliott WarrenKleinLaw Office of Elliott KleinHoustonDetails
HunterKleinGreen Klein & WoodHoustonDetails
MichaelKleinDykema Cox SmithAustinDetails
Brent LeeKlenderWayne Wright LLPCorpus DhristiDetails
Michael LeeKnapekJackson Walker LLPDallasDetails
Frederick M.Knapp Jr.Hicks Thomas LLPHoustonDetails
ElizabethKnightTillman Batchelor LLPIrvingDetails
Katherine JohnsonKnightFletcher, Farley, Shipman & Salinas, LLPDallasDetails
Steven J.KnightChamberlain Hrdlicka White Williams & AughtryHoustonDetails
Daniel AldenKnottMatthews Shiels Knott Eden Davis & Beanland L.L.P.DallasDetails
Karl WayneKoenGauntt Koen Binney Woodall & Kidd LLPDallasDetails
DouglasKogerAttorney at LawSugar LandDetails
Jonathan Yung-SernKohDallasDetails
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